Friday, November 21, 2008

Texas Tech @ Oklahoma

I think Tech is a little better than people are giving them credit for. Their win over Texas was not lucky--they controlled the entire game and Texas was lucky to be in the game at all, much less leading towards the end. That Tech pulled out a somewhat miraculous win at the end is more poetic justice than anything, because they were the better team that night.

That said, Oklahoma and Tech are evenly matched statistically. Oklahoma is at home.

Texas Tech 31
Oklahoma 34

is my pick. It's going to be a wire job.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Click on the video. You won't regret it unless you are a chump. :)


New-fangled tie rules notwithstanding, it's time to face three incontrovertible facts about the NFC East: 1) Dallas isn't that good. 2) Washington isn't that good. 3) Philadelphia isn't that good. Oh, each are capable of putting together a run and advancing deep into the playoffs. But they're equally capable of ending the year with a 7-9 record. Or, in the case of the Eagles a 6-8-1 mark. That extra number at the end there could refer either to the amount of Philly ties, or how many months it will be until Andy Reid gets fired.

Um. Dude. Allow me to inform you of two important pieces of data:
1) There are 16 games in an NFL season.
2) 6+8+1=15

I know Donovan McNabb is catching a lot of flack for not knowing the rules to a football game, and rightfully so, but I bet he knows why his team can not finish with a record of 6-8-1. Considering this guy is a football writer blogger dude, this is inexcusable yet kind of hilarious. By the way, Dallas is that good--though they aren't Giants good or Titans good.

Great game between Ball State and Central Michigan last night, though in order to get to a BCS game, they will probably need both Utah and Boise St. to lose a game.

Kind of strange when Ohio State/Michigan gets upstaged, but that's exactly what is happening when they take a back seat to Penn State/Michigan State going on in Central PA. A PSU win means they get to the Rose Bowl. A loss and I'm guessing they'll be looking at the Capital One Bowl. That would be a humongous letdown after starting the season 9-0, but I think the Nittanies win going away. Too much talent, and they are at home.

Oregon St. can actually win the Pac-10 if they win their last two games. Both are tossups as far as I can tell, but the fact that they even have a shot at finishing ahead of USC is both amazing and somewhat hilarious. here's the thing--if Oregon St. does win, they get to the Rose Bowl, and USC probably ends up stealing Ohio St. spot in...iono...probably the Fiesta Bowl. Maybe the Sugar Bowl. But it would probably knock out the Buckeyes.

Well boo hoo on them. Go Beavers. And Nittanies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

fifty9beads4jk (9:17:55 PM): hey if i have a blog
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:00 PM): what should be the address
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:09 PM):
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:12 PM): or something
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:14 PM): what kind of blog?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:21 PM): just about you?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:29 PM): catholic musings?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:39 PM): caturday stuffs?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:43 PM): liek what kind?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:46 PM): like
fifty9beads4jk (9:19:38 PM): i really don't know
fifty9beads4jk (9:19:42 PM): the height of randomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:19:52 PM): hmmm
fifty9beads4jk (9:20:04 PM): i could try philomenapwns
benchjcmt1618 (9:20:09 PM): true
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:14 PM): it's kind of a whim
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:15 PM): iono
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:26 PM): crunchyjk.blogspot...
benchjcmt1618 (9:21:45 PM): shorthandedrandomness
fifty9beads4jk (9:22:28 PM): haha i kinda like that
fifty9beads4jk (9:22:35 PM): shorthandedrandomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:22:40 PM): federovfortehwin
fifty9beads4jk (9:23:01 PM): eh
fifty9beads4jk (9:23:07 PM): nobody knows who federov is
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:08 PM): they all cant be winners
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:20 PM): dude, people WATCH baseball!
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:23 PM): come on!
fifty9beads4jk (9:24:22 PM): yeah but federov plays basketball for the anaheim republicans of philadelphia
benchjcmt1618 (9:24:38 PM): oh
benchjcmt1618 (9:24:40 PM): my bad
fifty9beads4jk (9:25:50 PM): but seriously
fifty9beads4jk (9:27:56 PM): what if i make it something catholic-y?
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:09 PM): hmm
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:19 PM): you want to keep the shorthanded-ness?
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:25 PM): i could do that to the title instead
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:31 PM): i kinda like the shorthandedness
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:39 PM): shorthandedrosary
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:53 PM): shorthandedmissae
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:56 PM): i just threw my arms up in celebration
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:00 PM): oh?
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:03 PM): i did good?
fifty9beads4jk (9:29:08 PM): i like the shorthandedrosary
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:11 PM): cool!
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:06 PM): i like
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:12 PM):
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:18 PM): the legend
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:31 PM): i'll repeat is again...THE LEGEND of chumpson
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:35 PM): continues to grow
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:41 PM): *messed up ending*
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:46 PM): ...tinues to grow
benchjcmt1618 (9:30:48 PM): i would like a thread in my honour on the lame board for my assistance
benchjcmt1618 (9:30:56 PM): lol
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:31 PM): yeah
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:38 PM): you don't have any thread on the lame board
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:57 PM): you'd think someone would have put "MIKolbe" in the title by now
benchjcmt1618 (9:31:58 PM): lol
benchjcmt1618 (9:32:02 PM): CHYA!
benchjcmt1618 (9:32:07 PM): you would think!!!!
fifty9beads4jk (9:33:30 PM): now i need a title
fifty9beads4jk (9:33:54 PM): although that i think i can change
benchjcmt1618 (9:34:39 PM): hmmm
fifty9beads4jk (9:35:42 PM): yeah
fifty9beads4jk (9:35:44 PM): iono
benchjcmt1618 (9:35:58 PM): introspective randomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:36:54 PM): musings and introspective reflections
benchjcmt1618 (9:37:15 PM): ion
benchjcmt1618 (9:37:16 PM): o
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:06 PM): but then it would necessarily have to involve introspection
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:12 PM): which would involve thinking hard
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:17 PM): at certain points
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:18 PM): and i'm just not ready to committ to that
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:21 PM): lol
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:30 PM): non commital introspection
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:32 PM): LOL
benchjcmt1618 signed off at 9:44:32 PM.
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