Wednesday, November 19, 2008

fifty9beads4jk (9:17:55 PM): hey if i have a blog
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:00 PM): what should be the address
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:09 PM):
fifty9beads4jk (9:18:12 PM): or something
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:14 PM): what kind of blog?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:21 PM): just about you?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:29 PM): catholic musings?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:39 PM): caturday stuffs?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:43 PM): liek what kind?
benchjcmt1618 (9:18:46 PM): like
fifty9beads4jk (9:19:38 PM): i really don't know
fifty9beads4jk (9:19:42 PM): the height of randomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:19:52 PM): hmmm
fifty9beads4jk (9:20:04 PM): i could try philomenapwns
benchjcmt1618 (9:20:09 PM): true
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:14 PM): it's kind of a whim
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:15 PM): iono
fifty9beads4jk (9:21:26 PM): crunchyjk.blogspot...
benchjcmt1618 (9:21:45 PM): shorthandedrandomness
fifty9beads4jk (9:22:28 PM): haha i kinda like that
fifty9beads4jk (9:22:35 PM): shorthandedrandomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:22:40 PM): federovfortehwin
fifty9beads4jk (9:23:01 PM): eh
fifty9beads4jk (9:23:07 PM): nobody knows who federov is
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:08 PM): they all cant be winners
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:20 PM): dude, people WATCH baseball!
benchjcmt1618 (9:23:23 PM): come on!
fifty9beads4jk (9:24:22 PM): yeah but federov plays basketball for the anaheim republicans of philadelphia
benchjcmt1618 (9:24:38 PM): oh
benchjcmt1618 (9:24:40 PM): my bad
fifty9beads4jk (9:25:50 PM): but seriously
fifty9beads4jk (9:27:56 PM): what if i make it something catholic-y?
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:09 PM): hmm
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:19 PM): you want to keep the shorthanded-ness?
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:25 PM): i could do that to the title instead
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:31 PM): i kinda like the shorthandedness
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:39 PM): shorthandedrosary
benchjcmt1618 (9:28:53 PM): shorthandedmissae
fifty9beads4jk (9:28:56 PM): i just threw my arms up in celebration
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:00 PM): oh?
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:03 PM): i did good?
fifty9beads4jk (9:29:08 PM): i like the shorthandedrosary
benchjcmt1618 (9:29:11 PM): cool!
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:06 PM): i like
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:12 PM):
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:18 PM): the legend
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:31 PM): i'll repeat is again...THE LEGEND of chumpson
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:35 PM): continues to grow
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:41 PM): *messed up ending*
fifty9beads4jk (9:30:46 PM): ...tinues to grow
benchjcmt1618 (9:30:48 PM): i would like a thread in my honour on the lame board for my assistance
benchjcmt1618 (9:30:56 PM): lol
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:31 PM): yeah
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:38 PM): you don't have any thread on the lame board
fifty9beads4jk (9:31:57 PM): you'd think someone would have put "MIKolbe" in the title by now
benchjcmt1618 (9:31:58 PM): lol
benchjcmt1618 (9:32:02 PM): CHYA!
benchjcmt1618 (9:32:07 PM): you would think!!!!
fifty9beads4jk (9:33:30 PM): now i need a title
fifty9beads4jk (9:33:54 PM): although that i think i can change
benchjcmt1618 (9:34:39 PM): hmmm
fifty9beads4jk (9:35:42 PM): yeah
fifty9beads4jk (9:35:44 PM): iono
benchjcmt1618 (9:35:58 PM): introspective randomness
benchjcmt1618 (9:36:54 PM): musings and introspective reflections
benchjcmt1618 (9:37:15 PM): ion
benchjcmt1618 (9:37:16 PM): o
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:06 PM): but then it would necessarily have to involve introspection
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:12 PM): which would involve thinking hard
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:17 PM): at certain points
fifty9beads4jk (9:38:18 PM): and i'm just not ready to committ to that
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:21 PM): lol
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:30 PM): non commital introspection
benchjcmt1618 (9:38:32 PM): LOL
benchjcmt1618 signed off at 9:44:32 PM.
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